
A Letter of Compliance is a document issued by the Town of Bruderheim to verify that all developments on a property are in compliance with all applicable Bylaws.

Upon sale of a property, a lawyer, realtor, or lending institution may require that you obtain a Compliance Certificate from the Town. Although it is not a legislated requirement for municipalities to respond to Compliance Certificate requests, the Town of Bruderheim does provide this service.

For more information on Compliances, see Section 4.10 of the Land Use Bylaw, available on our Bylaws Page.


 Request a Compliance Certificate

To request a Letter of Compliance, submit the following information to the Town Office:

  • A completed Compliance Request Form, available on our Forms Page,
  • Two copies of an original Real Property Report (RPR) that is less than six months old and prepared by an Alberta Legal Surveyor (see Surveyor Listing), and
  • A fee payment - please view the Fees and Charges for the current fee amount.


The Town may refuse to issue a Letter of Compliance when:
  • Information provided on the Real Property Report is unclear or vague, and/or is insufficient to determine if the buildings as shown are located in accordance with the yard and building setbacks specified in any development permit which may have been issued for the site,
  • The Real Property Report provided is older than six months from the date of application and is not accompanied with an affidavit confirming all information provided on the Real Property Report is true and accurate,
  • The Real Property Report does not indicate all developments that are located on the lot,
  • Developments on the lot were constructed without a development permit, and
  • There are outstanding infractions with this or any other Town of Bruderheim Bylaw.